I would like to thank you for your prayers and best wishes for me as I celebrated my 37th birthday last week. You are all so very kind and supportive, and for that I am most grateful. It's hard to believe that Bishop Cahill gave me the best birthday gift ever seven years ago on my 30th birthday when he made me pastor of our beautiful parish. I will forever be grateful for your patience with me as I learned how to be a pastor of this parish and I sincerely apologize to all those whom I hurt inadvertently along the way. That was never my intention.
When we celebrate our birthdays, we take time to look back at how God has blessed us and we look forward to how we would like to spend the rest of our numbered days that God will grant us. I am honored that I have been able to give you the best years of my life- my 30s, and pray that the following years will be filled with the fruits of all of our prayers and experiences over the past seven years. I pray that my ministry here will help lead us from slavery to fear, anxiety, and sin, into trust, rest, and virtue as we strive daily to grow on our Spiritual Journey with the Lord.
I am so honored to be the spiritual father of St. Robert's and to help Bishop Cahill exercise his pastoral ministry here in El Campo. It has been a real joy to see our parishioners growing in stature, wisdom, and sanctity, especially the many leaders who have taken up new roles of leadership to help me care for this beautiful community.
May God bless you and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you, and grant you peace for all the many ways you have been a blessing to me.